Raw Milk is REAL Milk!
Have you wondered what the hype is about RAW milk? Why do you keep hearing people talk about it? Isn't it something that people drank centuries ago and we fixed it with pasteurization? Maybe you are struggling with digestive discomfort, or your doctors are trying to prescribe medications for health issues that could possibly be healed with better nutrition? Or you just don’t trust the food system anymore and want to know where your food comes from…
Are you ready to make the switch to real milk?
Many of our customers have found relief of cow dairy allergies, lactose intolerance, eczema, digestive issues and many other allergies. They attribute most of it to making the switch to RAW goat milk and fermented RAW milk products! Not to mention our milk is incredibly delicious! Have you heard goat milk tastes horrible? Usually, that is because they are drinking pasteurized goat milk or milk that is not fresh enough or the farmer gives their dairy goats off flavor foods. We take the upmost care in our animals diet, care and the sanitation of milking so that our milk has the best flavor you will find. Our milk is sweet and creamy, I'll even offer you a free pint just to try!
One of the first changes people notice after drinking raw milk is fewer digestion troubles. Acid reflux disappears, bloating and cramping vanish, and food intolerance becomes a thing of the past.
Raw milk is truly one of the most nutrient-dense foods in the world. Especially goat milk; goat milk contains more digestible fats and proteins, lower lactose, and its proteins (A2) are less allergenic than cow milk protiens (A1), this helps to reduce inflammation. According to Dr. Axe it can improve many cronic health issues that medication cannot without side-affects. These include:
Are you ready to make the switch to real milk?
Many of our customers have found relief of cow dairy allergies, lactose intolerance, eczema, digestive issues and many other allergies. They attribute most of it to making the switch to RAW goat milk and fermented RAW milk products! Not to mention our milk is incredibly delicious! Have you heard goat milk tastes horrible? Usually, that is because they are drinking pasteurized goat milk or milk that is not fresh enough or the farmer gives their dairy goats off flavor foods. We take the upmost care in our animals diet, care and the sanitation of milking so that our milk has the best flavor you will find. Our milk is sweet and creamy, I'll even offer you a free pint just to try!
One of the first changes people notice after drinking raw milk is fewer digestion troubles. Acid reflux disappears, bloating and cramping vanish, and food intolerance becomes a thing of the past.
Raw milk is truly one of the most nutrient-dense foods in the world. Especially goat milk; goat milk contains more digestible fats and proteins, lower lactose, and its proteins (A2) are less allergenic than cow milk protiens (A1), this helps to reduce inflammation. According to Dr. Axe it can improve many cronic health issues that medication cannot without side-affects. These include:
- Healthier skin, less eczema and acne
- Healthier hair and nails
- Nutrient absorption since is it more digestible
- Stronger immune system
- Reduced allergies and improved immune system
- Increased bone density
- Neurological support
- Weight loss
- Help building lean muscle mass
- Better digestion and improvement of IBS, Crones, and leaky gut
Raw Milk vs. Conventional Milk
Dairy products have gotten a bad rap over the years, but this is actually mostly due to the pasteurization process. When milk is pasteurized, it destroys many of the nutrients and enzymes that make raw milk beneficial. Why is pasteurization even performed in the first place then? Because it exposes milk to very high temperatures that kill harmful bacteria that are possibly able to make their way into the milk. Pasteurization was made necessary in the late 20th century because commercial milk production skyrocketed to a nationwide and sometimes International scale (we're talking hundreds of thousands of dairy animals in a single location, even some of the organic companies operate on a large scale). These super large dairy operations, despite their attempts to make it safe, tend to have unsafe milking practices and unhealthy livestock management. This is all a result of having too many creatures on too small of a space. They were also trying to transport a raw and short shelf life product long distances. If the product was not handled properly it could easily become a dangerous product.
Luckily small local farmers, like us, have the ability to run a micro operation and get to know our animals on a one on one basis. We see them every day and we know their personalities, we know their current state of health, we know what they like to eat and what they don't like to eat, they are our best friends. This makes it easier to use holistic livestock management. On a small operation with good sanitation practices it very rare for these types of bad bacteria to be found in milk when it is handled safely.
Why is Raw Milk safe if there is a possibility of harmful bacteria? Well, that's because Raw Milk contains an ecosystem of beneficial and neutral bacteria. The beneficial bacteria, which are abundant in healthy Raw Milk, act like a protective army to keep the bad bacteria at bay. So even if bad bacteria is accidentally introduced to the milk, it is quickly out competed by the beneficial bacteria. This not the case with pasteurize milk because pasteurized milk has been sterilized, this means that there is no ecosystem in the milk and nothing to stop the bad bacteria from growing out of control on the abundance of milk sugars. That bad bacteria has no army of good bacteria to keep it at bay and it will take the product over and cause an outbreak.
Even with the protective army of good bacteria in Raw Milk, if a large amount of bad bacteria is introduced, this happens with unsafe milk handling practices, the milk could possibly become dangerous. This is why it is crucial to know the milking practices of your milk source and to handle your milk safely when you take it home. Please read our "Safe Handling of Milk" on the Rogue Farm Store page.